October 2024 Newsletter - Special Election Edition
Welcome to the Special Election Edition of "ROWT About", the Newsletter from the Republicans of Wheeling Township (ROWT). Please read for information about our Republican candidates, important voting information, and how you can help turn Wheeling Township RED.
Click on the image to download the full newsletter.
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More Kamaflage: The Harris Policy Dump
By Richard Porter - RCP Contributor /
Source: Real Clear Politics
The Harris-Walz campaign has been vibe-a-licious and content-free; its positions on domestic and foreign policy have (with apologies to Hollywood) essentially consisted of open defiance of any presidential campaign norms: “Policy? We ain’t got no policy. We don’t need no policy. We don’t have to show you any stinkin’ policy.”
But the campaign’s policy on policy changed, sort of, the day before the debate, when it went ahead and posted some stinkin’ policy anyway.
In a word, Harris’ policy dump should be seen for what it is: Kamaflage. She uses words that score well with Republicans and moderates, but inverts the meaning of those words, creating an unintelligible stinkin’ mess.
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August 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to "ROWT About", the Newsletter from the Republicans of Wheeling Township (ROWT). We hope the Newsletter will inspire you to get out the vote for Republican candidates by providing helpful information, facts and data that reveal the truth about living in a state run by Democrats, as well as upcoming events we hope you will attend!
Click on the image to download the full newsletter.
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May 2024 Newsletter
Read the 2nd Edition of "ROWT About", the Newsletter from the Republicans of Wheeling Township (ROWT). We hope the Newsletter will provide helpful information, facts and data that reveal the truth about living in a state run by Democrats, as well as upcoming events we hope you will attend!
Click on the image to download the full newsletter.
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Republicans of Wheeling Township Attend the Illinois Republican Convention
Memorial Day weekend the Illinois Republican Party will be holding its convention in Collinsville, IL. Delegates from County and Township organizations will be in attendance. The number of delegates is determined by the individual organization’s performance during the last Primary Election. Wheeling Township will have one of the largest delegations and perhaps the largest Township delegation with 11 Delegates and 11 Alternates.
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