Happy Monday! Today is a very important day for the 2024 Primary Election:
Early In-Person Voting Starts Today!
Your local In-Person Early Voting Location details are included below:
For more information on voting, visit our Voter Info pages.
Please help your neighbors and friends understand that the circuit court ruling does not take away their right to vote for their Presidential choice. If they support Pres. Trump, they can still vote, and it’s important they do so as a message to the court and to exercise their constitutional right. The most important "Presidential" section of the primary ballot is actually not the vote "for President: – it is the vote for delegates to the national convention. That section of the ballot has not been affected by this (probably short-lived) court ruling. Every delegate candidate’s name is accompanied by the name of the Presidential candidate to whom he or she is committed. The Trump delegate candidates are as eligible for votes as the delegate candidates that are marked for other Presidential hopefuls. Trump voters do not have to wait for the Supreme Court to cast their votes; they can still vote early or by absentee ballot or on March 19 – voting for delegate candidates – and their vote will count regardless of the Chicago judge’s attempt to disrupt our primary. Let your neighbors know!
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