Republican Women of Park Ridge Annual "Red, White & Blue" Benefit Brunch

Our friends in Republican Women of Park Ridge are inviting participation in their annual “Red, White & Blue” benefit brunch at the Park Ridge Country Club on Sunday, Nov. 19, at 11:30 a.m.

Susan Sweeney and Char Foss-Eggemann and their team are presenting three outstanding speakers:

  • Jeanne Ives, former state representative and candidate for governor and now leader of Breakthrough Ideas
  • Frank DiFranco, plaintiff in a still-pending lawsuit over likely election fraud in his race for 12th subcircuit judge in 2020
  • Frank Gaffney, executive chairman of the Center for Security Policy, who is an expert in radical Islam and in the threat of China

Reservations must be pre-paid at just $50 per person
Checks can be sent to RWoPR c/o 411 N. Grand, Park Ridge 60068

  • November 19, 2023 at 11:30am – 1:30pm
  • Park Ridge Country Club
    636 N Prospect Ave
    Park Ridge, IL 60068
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • Kathy Penner

    (847) 632-1774